
A negative blood type ethnicity
A negative blood type ethnicity

a negative blood type ethnicity

OMB publishes Federal Register notice on research results and proposed decisions on changes, if any, to Directive No. 15 OMB analyzes Federal Register notice comments receives results of May 1995 CPS Supplement continues to consult on options with affected groupsĬensus Bureau conducts National Content Test (NCT) in preparation for 2000Ĭensus Bureau conducts Race and Ethnic Targeted Test (RAETT) in preparation for 2000 Censusīureau of the Census provides test through January 1997 results from National Content Test and Race and Ethnicity Targeted Test Various agencies are conducting activities to support the review process these include work by the Bureau of the Census related to the 2000 Census program mentioned below. Important dates in the balance of the review process are shown below. In addition it should be noted that because the categories in Directive No. 15 have been useful for over 18 years for many purposes, an option under consideration is to make no changes. The issues, suggestions for change, and pros and cons described in this notice are those raised in public comment and do not reflect OMB positions or decisions. This Federal Register notice (1) summarizes the suggestions for changes drawn from public comments, research findings, and literature reviews, (2) briefly discusses the research agenda for some of the significant issues that have been identified, and (3) sets forth proposed principles to be used in reaching a final decision on standards for the classification of data on race and ethnicity. (See Appendix for the text of Directive No. 15.) The June 9, 1994, notice contained information on the development of the current standards and requested public comment on: (1) the adequacy of current racial and ethnic categories, (2) the principles that should govern any proposed revisions to the standards, and (3) specific suggestions for change that had been offered by individuals and interested groups over the past several years. During 1994, the review process also included (1) public hearings in Boston, Denver, San Francisco, and Honolulu, (2) comment by Federal agencies on their requirements for racial and ethnic data, (3) development of a research agenda and related literature reviews, and (4) publication of a Federal Register notice, 59 Fed. A report of the workshop, held in February 1994, is forthcoming from CNSTAT. As a first step in this process, OMB asked the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) of the National Academy of Sciences to organize a workshop to discuss issues to be addressed in the review. In response to the criticisms, OMB initiated a review of the Directive. Some have also proposed changing the names of some categories. The standards have been used in two decennial censuses and in surveys of the population, data collections necessary for meeting statutory requirements associated with civil rights monitoring and enforcement, and in other administrative program reporting.ĭuring the past several years, the standards have come under increasing criticism from those who believe that the minimum categories set forth in Directive No. 15 do not reflect the increasing diversity of our Nation's population. The standards in this Directive have been used for almost two decades throughout the Federal government for recordkeeping, collection, and presentation of data on race and Hispanic origin. Summary: In 1977, OMB issued the Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting that are set forth in Statistical Policy Directive No. 15. Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and EthnicityĪGENCY: Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of Information and Regulatory AffairsĪCTION: Interim Notice of Review and Possible Revision of OMB's Statistical Policy Directive No. 15, Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting: Summary and Analysis of Public Comments and Brief Discussion of Research Agenda

A negative blood type ethnicity